Kelberman The Center of Excellence for Autism Promise Preschool


The Promise Program offers full-day preschool classroom experiences including a range of built-in supports. A positive and open partnership with families is key to successful early childhood programming. Together, as a team, we are able to best support each child in reaching his or her fullest potential.

  • Optimized student-to-teacher ratios: 6 students, 1 special education teacher, 1 support specialist, and 2 teaching aides in each classroom.
  • Classroom placement based on identified needs and individualized learning opportunities, including speech, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.
  • Friendly, fun, and warm environment that instills the beginning of a lifelong love of school and learning.
Kelberman The Center of Excellence for Autism Promise Preschool

What Can Promise Preschool Do For Me?

Promise utilizes specific teaching techniques targeted to increase:

  • Communication and socialization.
  • Academic and adaptive living skills.
  • Success in preschool and their education beyond preschool.

Why Kelberman

Our state-of-the-art Autism programs, resources, and inclusive services help children, adults and their families impacted by autism or intellectual and/or developmental disabilities find engaging ways to interact with the world around them.






Please Contact Us to Get Started

Heather good 5
Vice President of Educational Services

The Promise Program gives our students the start they need to have a successful educational experience that will have a positive impact for the rest of their lives.

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